Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Feelin' good!

OK, so I promised I would do better with posting updates.  Not so much.  Sorry!  This is going to be a quick one.  I've lost a total of 65 lbs. from my highest weight.  65 lbs!  That's a lot!  My goal is to lose about 25 more.  My BMI is 26.5, which is getting super close to being in the normal range!

I'm pretty consistently fitting into size 12 clothes now.  It feels awesome!  I've got so much more self-esteem than before.

I don't go back to the doctor's office until next month, which will be 6 months out from surgery.  They will do more labs, and I hope my iron level has gone up.  I've been really good about taking my iron supplements.

I've got a couple of good pictures this time!  The one on the left is from April 1 of this year.  I was at my highest weight of 229 in that picture.  The one on the right is from Friday night at 164.

I love my sleeve!


  1. I love mine too!! I am 61 pounds as of yesterday and just about in a 16. I just can not say enough good things about the sleeve. You look fabulous.

  2. wow, you look wow

